

  DESCRIPTION: This is a small project that can be used to provide neatness at the public places and avoid touching of the dustbins for throwing garbage into it and also avoid the garbage to scatter here and there. The more advanced version of it can also be helpful in segregating the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. USE: This project is useful because the lid of the dustbin remains closed when not in use this avoids the   birth of flies and mosquitoes, and when you want to dispose the waste the lid opens automatically, making easy disposal of wastes.   HARDWARE COMPONENTS REQUIRED: ·       ARDUINO UNO ·       ULTRASONIC SENSOR ·       SERVO MOTOR ·       BATTERY(9V) ·       JUMPER WIRES   STEPS TO MAKE THE DUSTBIN: ·        Step 1: Connect the servo motor and Arduino UNO ·        Step 2: Connect the ultrasonic sensor ·        Step 3: Connect the terminals of the battery ·        Step 4: All the connections will be made using jumper wires and

Police Light Blinking using 555 Timer

In this project, it is shown how to design Police Lights using 555 Timer IC and CD4017 Counter IC. This circuit flashes Red LEDs for three times and then Blue LEDs for three times and this flashing action repeats continuously. Introduction In this project, we will try to implement the blinking of police light. The circuit uses 555 timer IC and a decade counter IC CD4017. Here, the 555 timer runs in Astable mode. Decade counter 4017 counts the incoming pulses and activates its outputs, and blinks the led accordingly.   555 Timer Based Police Lights Circuit Principle Here 555 timer produces continuous pulses via pin 3(output pin). The width of these pulses can be varied by varying the resistance (R1, R2) or capacitance (C1) connected in the circuit. These pulses are given as input to the decade counter IC. For every incoming pulse the output state of the decade counter gets incremented. •      For 1st pulse – blue led glow •      For 2nd pulse – (no connection) – all led’ s


Infrared (IR) radiation was first discovered by an astronomer named William Herchel in 1800. When he was measuring the temperature of each color of light (separated by a prism), he noticed that the temperature just beyond the red light was highest .As IR is invisible to the human eye, since its wavelength is longer than that of visible light therefore by observing this phenomenon he discovered infrared light. Basically, t here are two types of infra red (IR) sensors: ·         Active ·         P assive.   Active Infrared (IR) sensor It perform both the phenomenon i.e. emit ting and detect ing infrared radiation. Active IR sensors have two parts: ·         light emitting diode (LED) ·         Receiver   An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in its surroundings. When an object comes close to the sensor, the infrared light from the LED reflects and the obj

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